Getting started

Getting an Access Token

Go to and register a new app. In this new app, use as a callback URL. You can also use a custom callback if you build your own. Read the Vignette “rpinterest-oauth” for more info about the why and the how.

Once your app is set, use pinterest_token to create a token:

token <- pinterest_token(
  app = "yourapp", 
  app_id = "yourappid", 
  app_secret = "yourappsecret"

You’ll be taken to a Pinterest login page and R will be waiting for a connection code. After login, will contain a code that you’ll need to paste back to R.

About rate limit

If your pinterest app is unauthorised, you’ll be granted 10 requests per hour per token.

Call the API

Interact with your profile

Get informations about the logged user

Get information about your account :

  • get_logged_user(), get_logged_user_boards(), and get_logged_user_boards_suggestions() return informations about yourself.

Interact with your account

  • create_board() creates a board on your account, with a name and a description.
  • create_pin() creates a pin on one of your board, with a name and a description, from a local file.
  • delete_board() delete a board on your account.
  • delete_pin() delete on one of your pin.
  • edit_board() edit a board on your account, with a name and a description.
  • edit_pin() creates a pin on one of your board, with a name and a description, from a local file.

Sending plots to Pinterest

ggplot_to_pinterest() sends a ggplot2 object to a Pinterest Board. Note that {ggplot2} has to be installed to run this command.

x <- ggplot(iris, aes(Sepal.Length, Sepal.Width)) + geom_point()
ggplot_to_pinterest(x, "colinfay/gris-mon-amour", "test rpinterest", token = token)

Retrieve data from Pinterest



Get all the pins from a board:

  • by id
get_board_pins_by_id(id = "42080646457333782", token = token)
  • by name
get_board_pins_by_name(user = "colinfay", board = "blanc-mon-amour", token = token)
  • by id
get_board_spec_by_id(id = "42080646457333782", token = token)
  • by name
get_board_spec_by_name(user = "colinfay", board = "blanc-mon-amour", token = token)


get_pin_spec_by_id(id = "42080577745042298", token = "your_token")


  • by id
get_user_spec_by_id(id = "42080715176677612", token = token)
  • by name
get_user_spec_by_name(user = "colinfay", token = token)